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Books  |  Sites  |  Software


Books Début du document

Jakob Nielsen,
Designing Web Usability

Nielsen - Designing Web Usability

THE Web design book you absolutely need to own.

A major work!

Crawford Kilian,
Writing for the Web

Kilian - Writing for the Web

Very good book on writing good, effective Web content.


Jared M. Spool et al.,
Web Site Usability : A Designer's Guide

Spool - Web Site Usability

A misleading title, but an excellent book for anyone interested in Web-site usability.

This book presents the results of a comparative study of ten popular Web sites. The implications are very intresting... and very suprising!

Rick Levine, Christopher Locke, Doc Searls, and David Weinberger
The Cluetrain Manifesto: The End of Business as Usual


The Internet as a revolutionary tool for the digital economy.

An amazing book!


Sites Début du document Le grand dictionnaire terminologique from the Office de la langue française du Québec is now available on the Web.

A very useful bilingual on-line dictionary for translators, writers, etc.

Jakob Nielsen's Web site. Nielsen is a leading usability expert (Web & software).

This site is chock full of useful and entertaining information and articles.

A must visit!! Vincent Flanders' excellent site that teaches good design by looking at bad design.

This site is full of excellent information and links!

Very instructive and lots of fun! Paul Lutus, creator of Arachnophilia, has put up a great Web site, with loads of fascinating articles covering a wide variety of topics. Highly thought-provoking.

Another must site!


Software Début du document

WinZip The best zipping program. Period.

A must!

Arachnophilia Extremely powerful HTML and text editor. And it's free!


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 Michel Rondeau (
 © 2001  Louis Rondeau.
 All rights reserved.